Restrictions on use:

We have developed this policy because we want you to feel confident about the privacy and security of your personal information.

We may ask you for information to enable us to provide a service to you and we collect this information by telephone, written correspondence or via a website. We may ask you for information including your name, private/business address, contact telephone numbers and email address. We may also ask you for other information that relates to the service you are using or ordering. For example, we may need your credit card number to charge you for certain services.

We collect information from visitors to our websites to help us to make improvements to the websites and to the services we make available. We know, for instance, how many visitors there are to each website, when they visited, for how long and to which areas of our website they went. We may share this information with our advertisers and to other companies which offer their goods or services on our websites. It helps to show these organizations how effective our websites are as sales channels for their products. You or any other individual cannot be identified from the information we share as the data is aggregated and anonymised.

We do not use this information to identify individuals visiting our website; or analyze your visits to any other websites (except that we do track you if you go to websites carrying our banner, but we do not identify personal details while we do this); or track any Internet searches which you may make while on our website.


General Policy

It is the policy of the Company to prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of any nonpublic information acquired in the workplace and the misuse of Material Nonpublic Information in securities trading. Specific Policies

Over and above what does to safeguard your privacy and security on–line, there are a number of things you can do to protect yourself from Internet fraud: Choose a password (letters and digits) you can remember but others will not guess, change it regularly and, if you do write it down, keep it somewhere safe and secure. When you have finished your session on our website, make sure you prevent your details being seen by anyone that you do not wish to see them. So, if you have registered and logged in, remember to log off. Clear any cache so there is no record of any transactions left on screen – both Netscape and Internet Explorer let you do this. We also recommend you then close your browser so any history of the session is cleared. As an extra precaution, your session on .com will time out if you have not used the site for 30 minutes. We collect information from visitors to our websites to help us to make improvements to the websites and to the services we make available. We know, for instance, how many visitors there are to each website, when they visited, for how long and to which areas of our website they went. We may share this information with our advertisers and to other companies which offer their goods or services on our websites. It helps to show these organizations how effective our websites are as sales channels for their products. You or any other individual cannot be identified from the information we share as the data is aggregated and anonymised. We do not use this information to identify individuals visiting our website; or analyze your visits to any other websites (except that we do track you if you go to websites carrying our banner, but we do not identify personal details while we do this); or track any Internet searches which you may make while on our website.

When do we use cookies?

A "cookie" is a text file which is allocated by our server to your personal computer (PC) when you visit our website. If you want to know more about cookies please go to www. which explains how cookies work and how you can manage their use. We use "cookies" to collect information from visitors to our websites and registered customers. Our servers use two different types of cookies. The first type is known as a "session–based" cookie and is allocated to your PC only for the duration of your visit to our website. It helps you to move around the website faster. This cookie automatically expires when you close down your browser. The second type of cookie known as a "persistent" cookie is allocated to your PC only if you agree by selecting the "Remember me" function. This cookie, if chosen, will remain on your PC for a period of time.

This cookie allows us to:

welcome you as an individual when you log on to our website; limit how often you see particular advertisements or announcements on our website; identify your defaults if you have set up a customized homepage provide you with relevant self–help information; track where you have come from if you have come to our website from another website; track how many times you visit a page or advertisement.

We do not store information regarding your telephone number, account or payment details in the cookie, and this information cannot be accessed using it. BT‘s cookies do not collect any information regarding the use of your PC or your Internet browsing in any way. Please note that as the cookie is based on your PC, we will not find it if you visit our websites using a different PC to the one you registered on. Third party Internet sites that you can link to from websites are not covered by our privacy policy, so we urge you to be careful when you enter any personal information online. A ccepts no responsibility or liability for these sites. Other companies which advertise or offer their products or services on our website may also allocate cookies to your PC. The types of cookies they use and how they use the information generated by them will be governed by their own privacy policies and not ours.
